Gluten Free Lumpia Wrappers

Gluten Free Lumpia Wrappers

Lumpia is a savory crispy spring roll of the Philippines. You’ll always find a large batch of them at any Filipino fiesta. I wanted to share gluten free lumpia wrappers so that everyone in the crowd can enjoy these delicious Filipino staple dish.

What is Filipino Lumpia?

Lumpia was brought to the Philippines by the way of China. You can also find these in Indonesia. Lumpia is traditionally made with cabbage, carrots, garlic, onion and your choice of protein. Traditionally it is made with pork. The wrappers are thin and crispy which creates the most satisfying crunch noise when you bite into them.

Ingredients for Gluten Free Lumpia Wrappers

It only takes a few simple ingredients to make this recipe.

  • Gluten-Free Flour (I used GF Jules Flour)
  • Water
  • Egg Whites
  • Olive Oil (This is for lightly oiling the pan or flat top. I used the spray can olive oil)
Eggs lumpia wrappers wooden background and white linen napkins

That’s it. For materials, you’ll want a non stick pan or flat top griddle, a bowl, a whisk, a flat spatula, a pastry or painters brush (that’s food safe)

Whisk with white batter and pastry brush

Method for Making Gluten Free Lumpia Wrappers

  1. Whisk egg whites into bowl. Then mix in Flour and Water. Whisk until well batter is smooth.
  2. On medium-high, heat your pan or flat top griddle with a small amount of oil just to lightly coat the pan.
  3. Brush the lumpia batter onto pan to create a thin 6-8inch diameter circle. You want these to be as thin as a crepe.
  4. Allow it to cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until the sides start to lift.
  5. Carefully flip the lumpia over and cook the other side for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until the sides start to lift.

This is Step 3 pictured below once the skillet is hot.

White gluten-free lumpia wrappers painted on flat griddle black background with painters brush

This is how you can tell that the lumpia is ready to be flipped when you start to see if peel on the sides.

Lifted crepe on black skillet

You can store these lumpia wrappers in a plastic ziplock and store in the freezer for up 6 months. You will need to thaw them overnight in the fridge when you want to cook with them.

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Gluten Free Lumpia Wrappers

Gluten Free Lumpia Wrappers

Recipe by Divina
Course: Savory


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time




  • 2 Cups 2 Gluten-Free Flour (I used GF Jules Flour)

  • 2 1/2 Cups 2 1/2 Filtered Water

  • 2 2 Egg Whites


  • Olive Oil (This is for lightly oiling the pan or flat top. I used the spray can olive oil)
  • That’s it. For materials, you’ll want a non stick pan or flat top griddle, a bowl, a whisk and a pastry or painters brush (that’s food safe)
  • Method for Making Gluten Free Lumpia Wrappers
  • Whisk egg whites into bowl. Then mix in Flour and Water. Whisk until well batter is smooth.
  • On medium-high, heat your pan or flat top griddle with a small amount of oil just to lightly coat the pan.
  • Brush the lumpia batter onto pan to create a thin 6-8inch diameter circle. You want these to be as thin as a crepe.
  • Allow it to cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until the sides start to lift.
  • Carefully flip the lumpia over and cook the other side for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until the sides start to lift.